KCWC wrap-up: pullover hoodie with cloud pocket. I designed some girls' cloud pocket tops for my Etsy shop and my five-year-old son wanted one too. Crazily enough, the botched front legs from this pair of pants from days 2 and 3 made great raglan sleeves with a little trimming here and there. I grabbed and cut up an old grey t-shirt of mine and...voilá...a cloud pocket hoodie was born. To make the raglan shape, I relied on Craftiness is Not Optional's raglan tee tutorial; for the hood I used a scaled-down version of a McCall's raincoat pattern hood.
Couldn't pass up taking a photo with the matching pants.
So...in conclusion...finding an hour to sew every day this past week was dang HARD but I guess I managed to keep my head above water. Being part of a collective sewing frenzy was awesome. Seeing via Flickr and Pinterest and blogs what other moms out there are making for their kids is really a wonderful, wonderful thing. A thank you to Meg from Elsie Marley for creating and hosting KCWC. Would I do it again? Hell yeah!
Lastly, I thought I'd include a photo of me and my sis wearing dresses my mom made for us. Thanks mom for making clothes for us and for instilling a love for sewing in me!